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Emre G.

.NET Developer

A proactive software engineer with comprehensive powers of .NET and excellent capabilities to write elegant code self-explained with good structure.

Emre is a magician in PostgreSQL, VB.NET, .NET Core 6.0, Kafka, Redis, Docker, Oracle (PL/SQL), and React.js. Furthermore, he is adept in agile methodologies.

Main expertise
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 6 years
  • C#
    C# 6 years
  • .NET
    .NET 6 years
Other skills
  • React.js
    React.js 2 years
  • TypeScript
    TypeScript 2 years
  • Java
    Java 2 years
Emre G.


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Selected experience


  • Senior Software Engineer

    Nesine - 1 year 11 months

    • Designed and implemented two online chance games from scratch.
    • Restructured and refactored monolith projects, reduced bugs and technical debt dramatically.
    • Helped to fix stage and production bugs in payment and wallet projects.


    • Technologies:
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • C# C#
    • .NET .NET
    • .NET Core .NET Core
    • jQuery jQuery
    • Ajax Ajax
    • Docker Docker
    • Redis Redis
    • RabbitMQ RabbitMQ
    • Git Git
    • Jira Jira
    • T-SQL T-SQL
    • SQL SQL
    • Entity Framework Entity Framework
    • Dapper Dapper
  • Senior Software Engineer

    Anadolu Sigorta - 1 year 1 month

    • Built 2 web applications using JavaScript, PostgreSQL, .NET Core 6.0, Kafka, Redis, Docker, and Oracle (PL/SQL).
    • Implemented Event-Driven Architecture with RabbitMQ.
    • Organized more than 10 clean code and design patterns training and answering hundreds of questions in Stackoverflow and Confluence.


    • Technologies:
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • React.js React.js
    • C# C#
    • .NET .NET
    • .NET Core .NET Core
    • jQuery jQuery
    • Docker Docker
    • Redis Redis
    • RabbitMQ RabbitMQ
    • Apache Kafka Apache Kafka
    • Bitbucket Bitbucket
    • Git Git
    • Jira Jira
    • Oracle Oracle
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Entity Framework Entity Framework
  • Software Engineer

    Anadolu Sigorta - 2 years

    • Transformed monolith applications to microservices with Outbox Pattern and Saga Orchestration Pattern.
    • Wrote over 5 Unit Test projects for .NET applications with xUnit.
    • Migrated more than 30% of workflows to IBM Rule Engine.
    • Coded a new back office panel for admin users, reducing certain transactions from a few days to 1 hour.
    • The video appraisal project was brought live, enabling remote management of more than 90% of appraisal processes.
    • Created a Fraud infrastructure, preventing more than 95% of fraudulent payments.
    • Performed the vehicle damage amount estimation with over 80% accuracy by interpreting the images in the claim files.
    • Preferred Graylog and Kibana to increase exception handling performance by 100%.


    • Technologies:
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • C# C#
    • .NET .NET
    • jQuery jQuery
    • Ajax Ajax
    • Bitbucket Bitbucket
    • Git Git
    • Jira Jira
    • Oracle Oracle
    • Entity Framework Entity Framework


  • BSc.Computer Engineering

    Doğuş University · 2010 - 2015


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