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Endrit K.

Frontend Developer

Endrit is a highly-accomplished Frontend Developer with an impressive track record of seven years in the industry.

His extensive experience spans various sectors, including eCommerce, education, real estate, healthcare, gaming, retail, and inventory management, underscoring his adaptability and versatility.

Endrit's passion lies in crafting applications for various industries, exemplifying his flexibility and eagerness to take on multifaceted challenges. His extensive experience and diverse skill set make him a valuable asset in Frontend Development.

Main expertise
  • Bootstrap
    Bootstrap 5 years
  • CSS
    CSS 5 years
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 6 years
Other skills
  • Redux.js
    Redux.js 2 years
  • PHP
    PHP 2 years
  • Tailwind
    Tailwind 2 years
Endrit K.


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Selected experience


  • Senior Frontend Engineer

    Animus Evolution - 1 year 5 months

    • Leveraged jQuery and Bootstrap to create exceptional user interfaces.
    • Designed and implemented the frontend architecture and user interface for the LEVR CRM.
    • Implemented CRUD functionalities using jQuery, Twig, and Bootstrap, enabling seamless user data creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion.
    • Introduced Docker to streamline deployment processes, reducing deployment time by 40%.
    • Improved efficiency by optimizing frontend code, resulting in a 30% reduction in page load time.
    • Established continuous integration using Jenkins, leading to a 50% faster build and deployment cycles.


    • Technologies:
    • Bootstrap Bootstrap
    • CSS CSS
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • Docker Docker
    • jQuery jQuery
    • Jenkins Jenkins
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Agile Agile
    • Jira Jira
    • Team leading
    • PHP PHP
    • HTML / CSS
    • Symfony Symfony
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • ES5/ES6 ES5/ES6
    • Postman Postman
    • Git Git
    • Material-UI Material-UI
    • API
    • CMS
    • Web testing
    • Unit Testing
    • Regression testing
    • Jest Jest
  • Senior Frontend Engineer

    SPINP Agency - 11 months

    • Earned a promotion to Frontend Engineer at SPINP and led the development of a scalable web application using Nuxt, Vuetify, and Pinia.
    • Applied various domain-driven design (DDD) principles, including Strategic Design.
    • Established and standardized boilerplate templates (Nuxt 3 and Vue 3) with various design patterns, reducing project setup time by 40%.
    • Developed and maintained the frontend architecture for a medical insurance application, enhancing the management of injured parties and patients.
    • Enhanced frontend performance by implementing efficient data retrieval and caching mechanisms, resulting in a 30% reduction in page load time.
    • Improved development efficiency by implementing automation tools such as ESLint, Prettier, and Husky, leading to a 25% reduction in code review and formatting time.
    • Leveraged Nuxt, Pinia, and Vuetify frameworks to create robust and scalable frontend solutions.


    • Technologies:
    • CSS CSS
    • Vue.js Vue.js
    • Nuxt.js Nuxt.js
    • Docker Docker
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Agile Agile
    • Jira Jira
    • Team leading
    • Vuetify Vuetify
    • Vuex Vuex
    • HTML / CSS
    • Laravel Laravel
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • UI
    • UX
    • Figma Figma
    • ES5/ES6 ES5/ES6
    • Postman Postman
    • Microservices
    • Prototyping
    • Git Git
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • ElasticSearch ElasticSearch
    • Keycloak Keycloak
    • DDD
    • AWS AWS
    • AWS Lambda AWS Lambda
    • AWS S3 AWS S3
    • AWS EC2 AWS EC2
    • API
    • Web testing
    • Unit Testing
    • Compatibility testing
    • Automation testing
    • Regression testing
    • Jest Jest
    • Playwright Playwright
  • Frontend Developer

    SPINP Agency - 1 year 11 months

    • Utilized Vue 2 and Vue 3 to develop the design of the frontend;
    • Spearheaded the development of high-end website applications using Vuetify and VueX;
    • Developed efficient and user-friendly frontend solutions using Vue.js, Vuex, and Vuetify;
    • Conducted a thorough code refactoring, resulting in a 30% improvement in code quality and maintainability;
    • Optimized application performance by implementing various techniques, resulting in a 40% reduction in page load time;
    • Successfully delivered the medical insurance application within the agreed timelines, meeting 100% of client requirements and satisfaction.


    • Technologies:
    • CSS CSS
    • Vue.js Vue.js
    • Docker Docker
    • Scrum Scrum
    • Agile Agile
    • Jira Jira
    • Vuetify Vuetify
    • Vuex Vuex
    • HTML / CSS
    • Laravel Laravel
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • UI
    • UX
    • Figma Figma
    • ES5/ES6 ES5/ES6
    • Microservices
    • Prototyping
    • Git Git
    • DevOps DevOps
    • Kubernetes Kubernetes
    • ElasticSearch ElasticSearch
    • Keycloak Keycloak
    • DDD
    • AWS AWS
    • AWS Lambda AWS Lambda
    • AWS S3 AWS S3
    • AWS EC2 AWS EC2
    • API
    • Web testing
    • Unit Testing
    • Compatibility testing
    • Regression testing
    • Jest Jest
    • Playwright Playwright


  • BSc.Computer Engineering

    UBT College – Higher Education Institution · 2018 - 2023

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