Builders: The podcast where we discuss the ups and downs of building great tech products Stream here

Anass E.

Fullstack Developer

Passionate web developer with 7+ years of experience.

Anass uses the PHP-Laravel or JavaScript-Vue.js ecosystem. He also has experience in teamwork with the Scrum methodology and Shopify. He is an experienced team leader and mentor.

Anass has excellent communication skills and a high level of English.

He prefers to work remotely, takes responsibility for his personal development, and enjoys learning new things.

Anass is interested in any opportunity to further improve his understanding of web technologies.

Main expertise
  • PHP
    PHP 12 years
  • Laravel
    Laravel 10 years
  • Node.js
    Node.js 6 years
Other skills
  • Google Cloud
    Google Cloud 7 years
  • AWS
    AWS 2 years
  • RabbitMQ
    RabbitMQ 2 years
Anass E.


Get started

Selected experience


  • Lead Web Developer

    Next Media - 1 year 11 months

    • Backend PHP development, Building REST APIs using Laravel;
    • Frontend JavaScript development, making a real-time application using Vue.js ecosystem (Nuxt.js, Vuex, Vue-router);
    • Leading a team of 10 people, managing tasks (Using Jira), reviewing code, and approving pull requests (Using GitHub);
    • Staging/production branches management (Git), and Deployment to those environments (Using Capistrano).


    • Technologies:
    • PHP PHP
    • Laravel Laravel
    • Vue.js Vue.js
  • Web Developer

    Tectice - 9 months

    • Developing a professional LMS (Learning Management System) platform;
    • Development of the author of content creation;
    • In collaboration with a Swiss team in MobileTic.


    • Technologies:
    • PHP PHP
  • Mobile Developer

    Segma IT - 1 month

    Making an Android mobile app for school management.

  • Web & Mobile Developer

    CNT - 1 month

    Making an API and mobile Android app for the website


    • Technologies:
    • PHP PHP
    • Laravel Laravel

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