Evangelos K.
Data Scientist
Evangelos ist Data Scientist und verfügt über fünf Jahre Berufserfahrung in Start-ups und multinationalen Unternehmen. Er ist spezialisiert auf Python, PySpark, SQL, Azure Databricks und PowerBI und zeichnet sich durch die Entwicklung von Vorhersagemodellen, die Erstellung von ETL-Pipelines und die Durchführung von Datenqualitätsprüfungen aus.
Eine seiner herausragenden Leistungen war die Automatisierung von Datenqualitätsprüfungen für einen führenden Getränkehersteller, wodurch die Zuverlässigkeit der PowerBI-Dashboards erheblich verbessert wurde. Er verfügt über einen Master-Abschluss in Unternehmensanalyse.
- Qlik View 5 Jahre
- Data Science 5 Jahre
- Azure 3 Jahre
Andere Fähigkeiten
- Unix shell 2 Jahre
- R (programming language) 2 Jahre
- SAP ABAP 1 Jahre
Ausgewählte Erfahrung
Senior Data Scientist
Accenture - 2 jahre 5 monate
Data & AI (Products) - FMCG
- Customer segmentation using clustering techniques & data mining, enabling targeted efforts in many other projects.
- Data quality processes automation, industrialization and expansion to multiple markets for optimization of promotional strategies, improving consistency and reliability of data insights. (Raw-Curated/Datamesh)
- Reporting and enhancement of DQ checks, achieving great reduction in data errors, ensuring more reliable business decisions and enhanced the efficiency of data quality reporting, allowing business managers to quickly identify and address data issues.
- Entity resolution — Similarity algorithms —Ranking with classification. Improved the quality and richness of customer master data, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of customer behavior.
- Technologien:
- Data Science
- Scikit-learn
- Pandas
- Data Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Product
Data Scientist
Propulsion Analytics - 3 jahre
Propulsion Analytics is a product based company in the Maritime industry providing vessel and engine performance issues and predictions by utilizing vessel sensor data and creating digital twins and simulation algorithms using machine learning.
- Received great client feedback for developing and implementing innovative methods for vessel performance/fouling estimation and prediction for over 30 vessels using ML techniques and visualizations, saving millions to vessel owners by informed decisions regarding vessel routes and repairing events.
- ETL for vessel sensor data for 50+ vessels (1sec-5min frequencies) and tuning (hyperparameter optimization) and deployment of ML algorithms for ~30 vessels.
- Created unsupervised clustering algorithms for engine performance.
- Anomaly detection for time series data with ML techniques and PySpark for big data (queries, aggregations) and ad-hoc analysis.
- Product development.
- Technologien:
- Data Science
- Scikit-learn
- Keras
- Pandas
- Data Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Product
MSc.Business Analytics
Athens University of Economics and Business · 2018 - 2020
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens · 2010 - 2015
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