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Hayk S.

Frontend Developer

Wizard Web developer with five years of experience working on multiple engagements for healthcare, FinTech, and casino industries.

Hayk optimizes the user experience using HTML, CSS, JS, and TypeScript to bring concepts to life. He is proficient in creating complex user interfaces with modern technologies like React.js and Angular2+.

He has developed SPAs, dashboards, online applications, and admin dashboards for the customer flow management system. He has also completed banking and governmental projects and designed an online casino.

Hayk possesses excellent soft skills and a high level of English.

Main expertise
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 5 years
  • React.js
    React.js 4 years
  • Vue.js
    Vue.js 3 years
Other skills
  • SASS
    SASS 5 years
  • Material-UI
    Material-UI 4 years
  • Firebase
    Firebase 3 years
Hayk S.


Get started

Selected experience


  • Frontend Developer

    EarlyOne - 2 years 8 months

    • Developed Admin dashboards for the customer flow management system.
    • Worked on software development.
  • Frontend Developer

    Hex Division - 2 years 10 months

    • Developed SPAs. dashboards and online applications.
    • Used programming capabilities in JavaScript, TypeScript, and other libraries and frameworks as needed.
    • Created complex user interfaces with modern technologies like React and Angular2+.
    • Completed full redesign of existing websites to improve navigation, enhance visuals and strengthen search engine rankings.


    • Technologies:
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • React.js React.js
    • Angular Angular
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • HTML / CSS


  • BSc.Automation Engineering

    National Polytechnic University of Armenia · 2020 - 2025

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