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Tigran A.

Node.js Developer

Experienced fullstack (backend heavy) software developer in different programming languages such as Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript, Nest.js, and MongoDB.

Tigran has 4+ years of commercial experience and numerous engagements behind him.

He creates products and services using the latest technologies and tools, implementing best practices, and building robust applications for our customers. Tigran is skilled in virtualization systems, databases, and architecture patterns.

He holds a Master's degree focused in Computer and Information Science.

Tigran has excellent communication skills and a high level of English.

Main expertise
  • Node.js
    Node.js 6 years
  • Express.js
    Express.js 5 years
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript 5 years
Other skills
  • React.js
    React.js 3 years
  • Angular
    Angular 3 years
  • Golang
    Golang 2 years
Tigran A.


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Selected experience


  • Senior Software Engineer

    Scalio - 1 year 4 months

    • Created back-end solutions for the digital ad platform Craftsman;
    • Supported legacy project Divy Rewards;
    • Worked with other backend engineers to add a subscription system through Stripe.


    • Technologies:
    • Node.js Node.js
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • Nest.js Nest.js
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
  • Senior Software Engineer

    Devlix LLC - 9 months

    • Managed a team of 10;
    • Created backend microservices (using .NET Core 2.2) and frontend (React.js and Angular 7) SPAs;
    • Created a CI/CD strategy (Kubernetes, Docker, Gitlab CI);
    • Created the main back-end microservice for handling the business logic;
    • Deployed and worked on continuous integration with Gitlab CI and GCE;
    • Optimized the microservice with caches and transactional logic layers.


    • Technologies:
    • React.js React.js
    • Angular Angular
  • Software Engineer

    apolloBytes - 1 year 6 months

    • Worked as a part of the development team working for Zichain Group;
    • Worked as a backend developer on and developed a Google Chrome extension for


  • MSc.Computer and Information Science

    American University of Armenia · 2018 - 2020

  • BSc.Computer Programming

    Yerevan State University · 2012 - 2016

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