How DevOps improve workflow

Companies have been turning to DevOps for some time now. Here is how and why this methodology can help your business grow.

What is DevOps?

DevOps, as the name implies, is an approach that comprises two practices – development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) and focuses on enhancing collaboration, communication, and efficiency among cross-functional teams involved in the software development lifecycle.

The popularity of DevOps isn't just hype. It's a logical evolution of traditional software development processes in response to the increasing demands of today's fast-paced digital world that needs quick decisions, agility, and reliable solutions.

The recent roll-out of Gartner confirms the point by revealing astonishing numbers. According to their stats, more than 85% of companies will shift to cloud computing by the end of 2025, and almost all new workloads appearing in the digital space will be cloud-based.

When it comes to DevOps development services, this term is used in reference to all the tools and processes that teams use to optimize and automate the development cycle, from creating an MVP to conducting tests and then releasing a ready application.

DevOps serves as an "intermediary," so to say, the sole purpose of which is to bridge the gap between operations and development teams. This ensures better collaboration on the team for faster deployment of a high-quality software product.

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Benefits of DevOps

The only proper way to explain the role of DevOps in streamlining web development is to look at the benefits it brings. This will give you a complete picture of what they do and how they contribute to the success of web development engagements.

Here are just a few ways it benefits companies:

  • Accelerated development cycles. DevOps aims to automate all development processes - from code creation to production deployment. This effectively shortens the time to bring a product to the market.

  • Cost-effectiveness. By automating tasks, DevOps allows companies to save a lot of costs that would otherwise be spent on maintaining additional personnel.

  • QA assurance. DevOps constantly test applications to minimize the chance of human error. If any bug slips through, they can quickly fix it, leading to higher-quality releases.

  • Seamless collaboration. DevOps blurs the lines between development, operations, and other relevant departments. This ensures that cross-functional teams understand the software development cycle holistically.

  • Scalability and flexibility. By taking advantage of cloud infrastructure, DevOps provides the tools for the scalability of applications up and down, allowing them to handle varying workloads efficiently.

  • Innovation and adaptability. DevOps encourages experimentation and rapid iteration, creating a culture of innovation where developers can try out new features or improvements and quickly gather user feedback.

  • Enhanced security. DevOps ensures that safety is integrated throughout the development process. This is done through automated security checks, vulnerability assessments, and quick responses to threats.

As you can see, by turning to DevOps practices in web development, you can optimize your development processes while reducing the risks of costly setbacks.

Challenges DevOps entails

Since we've mentioned the benefits of DevOps, it only makes sense to say the challenges that companies might face when implementing this methodology. Although minor, it's only fair that you know they exist and can prepare to handle them effectively.

  • Resistance to change. DevOps isn't just a methodology; it's a mindset of people. However, if your team is more accustomed to traditional development processes, they may resist changes, making it challenging to alter organizational structures.

  • Integration complexities. Another area for improvement on the path to shifting to DevOps is the integration of technologies and tools. With relevant expertise, it can be easier to integrate these tools into existing workflows.

  • Lack of expertise in new practices. The need for more expertise in new practices often slows down the adoption of DevOps. To avoid this and ensure that everyone stands on the same ground, it's a good idea to provide additional training.

  • Tracking success. Finally, teams must work out their own sets of metrics that can help them determine if the adoption of DevOps has a positive dynamic or vice versa. However, identifying these KPIs can take a lot of work.

Tools and development used by DevOps

Let's take a look at the tools and technologies that DevOps employ in their practices so you can plan the organization of your development processes accordingly. Here are some of the most important:

Configuration management tools. Tools like Chef, Ansible, and Puppet ensure a seamless product environment across all servers, making it easy to identify and fix bugs without compromising the functionality of other parts of an application.

Continuous integration (CI). With tools like BitBucket or GitHub, you can integrate changes from different developers into a single code, thus speeding up the development process and ensuring that the smallest code fragments are tested correctly.

Automated testing tools. Testing can be made faster with the help of tools like CircleCI, Jenkins, and Travis CI, which can spot issues with the product at an early stage and prevent them from becoming a problem when the product is ready for deployment.

Monitoring tools. Not only are bugs essential to keep track of, but so is product performance. You'll also need tools like Splunk or New Relic that provide real-time insights into application performance and help you identify bottlenecks.

By integrating these tools into your workflows, you can ensure faster product deployment while minimizing the risks of mistakes resurfacing later in the development process. Make sure to take the time to learn more about these tools so their integration is smooth in preparation for the next Bitcoin halving countdown in April 2024.

Despite the challenges, the advantages of DevOps far outweigh. Moreover, now that you know what difficulties may come along your way, you can take action to ensure that this shift goes smoothly for the entire team.

Best practices for implementing DevOps in your organization

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of DevOps, its benefits, challenges, and the essential tools it encompasses, it's time to delve into the best practices for successfully implementing it in your organization.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smoother transition and maximize the benefits of this approach.

  • Cultural shift and collaboration. To make the shift to DevOps less stressful for your team, create a collaborative environment where developers, operators, and other groups work together, openly communicate, and share their knowledge.

  • Start small and iterate. Start with a pilot project or a smaller team to implement DevOps practices. First, this will give you an idea of whether this approach is right for you. And secondly, hands-on experience can be further transferred to larger projects.

  • Automate repetitive tasks. Make sure to use automation tools. All the tasks that can be automated should be automated. This will help speed up the development cycle and eliminate human errors, resulting in improved efficiency of development processes.

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Treat infrastructure as code, enabling consistent and repeatable provisioning of resources. This approach enhances traceability, scalability, and the ability to reproduce environments quickly.

  • Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). Implement CI/CD pipelines to automate integration, testing, and deployment of code changes. Doing so will ensure that your code is continuously integrated and tested.

  • Security by design. Incorporate security practices throughout the development lifecycle. In addition, be sure to perform regular security assessments, automate security checks, and ensure compliance with industry standards.

  • Feedback loop. Establishing a feedback loop with users, stakeholders, and team members is important so you can receive user feedback and act on it quickly in further iterations.

  • Monitoring and observability. Monitor application and infrastructure performance, gather metrics, and proactively address issues before they impact users.

  • Training and skill development. Invest in workshops, resources, certifications, and other training types to ensure your team members acquire the necessary skills for DevOps practices.

  • Version control and code reviews. To enhance code quality, enforce version control for all code changes, and promote code reviews. As an added benefit, this will also help facilitate team collaboration, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

  • Take advantage of containers. A great way to deploy fast is to use containers. They provide self-contained environments for applications, allowing teams to manage and bring them to market efficiently.

  • Use cloud computing. Take advantage of cloud-based solutions like GCP, Azure, or AWS. Cloud computing will allow you to seamlessly scale your app without significant infrastructure changes.

  • Document processes. Don’t forget to document all your DevOps processes, including workshops, configurations, and best practices. With documentation, onboarding new team members, transferring knowledge, and troubleshooting will be much easier.

  • Continuous improvement. DevOps practices are compelling because they are constantly evolving, so companies need to stay on top of changing technologies and incorporate them into their workflows.

  • Cross-functional teams. To fully embrace DevOps, forming cross-functional teams comprising members with diverse skills is a good idea. This approach not only facilitates end-to-end ownership of products but also helps with decision-making.

  • Executive support. If your team resists changes, you can try to convince them by enlisting the support of your top-level management.

We've tried to cover some of the best practices for implementing DevOps in your organization. There are many other recommendations from other experts out there, but be sure if you stick to these tips, the transition to DevOps in your organization will go smoothly and quickly.

With improved collaboration, you can deploy faster and higher-quality software products, allowing you to stand against the competition and achieve growth.

Wrapping up

To sum things up, it's evident that the transition to DevOps is only a matter of time, and whether you jump on the bandwagon now or give a head start to your rivals is entirely up to you. Overall, the benefits of DevOps cannot be overstated.

By combining the practices of two disciplines, this methodology redefines how software is developed, tested, deployed, and maintained. It streamlines workflows, breaks down silos, and fosters a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

DevOps isn't just a trend. It's a strategic approach that meets the demands of today's rapidly changing digital landscape, allowing organizations to speed up development cycles while reducing development costs.

Suppose this sounds exactly like the plan you had in your head but didn't know where to start; shifting to DevOps is the answer.

Roy Emmerson co-founded, a B2B SaaS platform that helps businesses stay up-to-date on the latest technology trends. With over a decade of experience in the tech industry, Roy is a thought leader and passionate about assisting companies to embrace new technologies to improve their operations and drive growth.

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