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Alen K.

Data Scientist

Passionate Python, TensorFlow, C, and C++ developer with 5+ years of experience in IT.

Alen is an accomplished Data Scientist with 15 years of experience working on Big data, Recommendation systems, Predictive maintenance, Data ontology sets, and Product conversion rate.

He is a skilled problem-solver who takes an objective overview and generates viable solutions.

He has an analytical mind, good organizational skills, strong theoretical engineering and mathematical background, and a willingness to learn new technologies.

He can play a vital role throughout the development/support life cycle of an engagement to ensure quality solutions meet business objectives.

Main expertise
  • Data Science 10 years
  • Python
    Python 5 years
  • TensorFlow
    TensorFlow 5 years
Other skills
  • R (programming language)
    R (programming language) 6 years
  • Java
    Java 3 years
  • SciPy
    SciPy 2 years
Alen K.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Selected experience


  • Machine Learning Engineer

    EVOLVE - 3 years

    • Developed ML model for Predictive vehicle maintenance.
    • Deployed the model to the EVOLVE platform.


    • Technologies:
    • Data Science
    • Python Python
    • TensorFlow TensorFlow
  • Senior Data Scientist - 7 years 1 month

    • Implemented internal tools for data handling and data mapping.
    • Created a Machine Learning Model for data mapping.
    • Performed exploratory data analysis and discovered notable relationships.
    • Tracked performance and identified business improvement trends.


    • Technologies:
    • Python Python
  • Product Manager and Architect, PPA Web and Mobile Application

    PPA - 4 years 9 months

    • Developed application API in Node.js.
    • Managed Web and Mobile version of the application.
  • Data Scientist

    P3rsonal - 5 years 4 months

    • Created a Personal recommendation system.
    • Implemented Map reduce algorithms in hadoop.
    • Explored Big data (web data) to find the number of unique online forms.
    • Implemented web application for task assignment.
    • Created a Machine learning model for online form auto-fill.


    • Technologies:
    • Data Science
    • Java Java


  • Standalone coursePrinciples of Reactive Programming · 2014 - 2014

  • Standalone courseFunctional Programming Principles in Scala · 2013 - 2013

  • Standalone courseMachine Learning · 2013 - 2013

  • MSc.Mathematics and Computer Science

    University of Sarajevo · 2007 - 2011

  • BSc.Mathematics and Computer Science

    University of Sarajevo · 2002 - 2006

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