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Edson C.

Data Scientist

Edson is a Data Scientist & Architect with a Doctor of Science degree in Teleinformatics engineering, primarily focusing on Computer vision for medical images.

He has 12+ years of experience and is passionate about technology. Python has become Edson's primary language to manipulate data in the last five years. Currently, he is interested in deploying Machine Learning as a Web Service and Data Science.

Edson also has multiple patents under his name:

  • Pulmonary blood vessel segmentation in chest computed tomography imaging using pulmonary density analysis.
  • 3D Adaptive active contour methods for segmenting medical images and objects in three dimensions.
  • Automatic initialization of active 3D models for lobar segmentation in the chest.
  • New lung fissure segmentation technique based on textures in chest computed tomography imaging.
  • 3D Autocut.
  • New 3D structure segmentation technique in digital images.
  • Automatic seed initialization method for Grow-cut 3D segmentation algorithm.
Main expertise
  • Python
    Python 7 years
  • Data Science 12 years
  • SQL
    SQL 4 years
Other skills
  • OpenCV
    OpenCV 4 years
  • MLOps 4 years
  • TensorFlow
    TensorFlow 3 years
Edson C.


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Selected experience


  • Data Architect

    Mobit Brasil - 1 year 5 months

    • Create Big Data infrastructure.
    • Develop Algorithms to analyze and manage contract loss through data, mastered to improve by about 60%.


    • Technologies:
    • Python Python
    • Apache Kafka Apache Kafka
    • Apache Spark Apache Spark
    • Pandas Pandas
  • Senior Data Scientist

    Atlântico - 1 year 1 month

    • Create Machine Learning architecture for Security Systems.
    • Develop end-to-end software apps.
    • Develop an AutoML structure to find the best model for the dataset.


    • Technologies:
    • Python Python
    • Scikit-learn Scikit-learn
    • Flask Flask
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Pandas Pandas
  • Embedded Systems Designer

    Mobit Brasil - 1 year 3 months

    • Design Software Architecture for Computer Vision Systems applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems.
    • Create Python libraries for vehicle tracking using Computer Vision.
    • Create and optimize Deep Learning net for character recognition and plate detection.
    • Deploy system on embedded systems with x86 processors running on UNIX.


    • Technologies:
    • Python Python
    • Scikit-learn Scikit-learn
    • TensorFlow TensorFlow
    • Keras Keras
    • OpenCV OpenCV
  • R&D Engineer

    LESC - Computer Systems Engineering Laboratory - 2 years 2 months

    • Write technical documentation in English and Portuguese.
    • Create algorithms in C for Human Pose Estimation using Computer Vision.
    • Create HDR algorithms for Android cellphones screens.
    • Create algorithms in Python for quality control in the factory line.
    • Develop a test plan to validate algorithms.


    • Technologies:
    • Python Python
    • C C
    • Matlab Matlab
    • OpenCV OpenCV


  • Doctor Of PhilosophyTeleinformatics Engineering

    Federal University of Ceará · 2013 - 2018

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