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Mohammed J.

Fullstack Developer

A talented software developer with 8 years of experience in backend and frontend projects. Mohammed has an impressive history of working in backend development, using PHP and its frameworks such as Symfony, Laravel, and Magento.

He has successfully developed an e-commerce B2B platform on Magento 2 for a French company. Also, Mohammed did the migration for a training IFP platform from Magento 1.9 to Magento 2.4.

Main expertise
  • Magento
    Magento 4 years
  • Docker
    Docker 3 years
  • MySQL
    MySQL 8 years
Other skills
  • Nest.js
    Nest.js 4 years
  • AWS
    AWS 2 years
  • Elastic Stack
    Elastic Stack 2 years
Mohammed J.


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Selected experience


  • Backend Developer

    Social Wire Club - 4 months

    • Added API endpoints to retrieve key metrics by writing complex mongo aggregation queries.
    • Developed a module for to enable instant messaging and push notifications.
    • Migrated the platform from MongoDB to AWS DocumentDB using the MDS service provided by AWS, which improved scalability and performance.
    • Implemented file uploads to AWS S3 with advanced permissions and authorization policies.
    • Created multi-environment pipelines using Elastic Beanstalk and Docker.


    • Technologies:
    • Nest.js Nest.js
    • Docker Docker
    • Next.js Next.js
    • AWS AWS
  • Prestashop developer

    Brugtecomputere - 8 months

    • Developing a custom module that retrieves current offers from various providers.
    • Debugging and refining the checkout workflow to streamline the buying process and reduce cart abandonment rates.
    • Addressing issues with the platform's layout.
    • Implementing custom filters on category pages, enabling customers to easily navigate products.
  • React Developer

    Globalfleet - 1 year 2 months

    • Developing and refining React components to improve the user interface and functionality of the frontend.
    • Implementing enhancements and new features on the backend using Python.
    • Leveraging GPS tags to enable real-time tracking of fleets on Google Maps.


  • BSc.Computer science

    Institut Spécialisé De Technologie Appliquée · 2009 - 2011

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