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Role Frontend
Main skill Vue.js
Type Framework
Proxify rate From $33.90/hr
Average matching time 2 days
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A unique partnership with Vue.js

We are excited to announce our exclusive partnership with Vue.js, giving you direct access to developers handpicked and approved by the Vue.js core team.

When you hire through us, you’re working with the top-tier experts trusted by the creator of Vue.js. Proxify is the only partner approved to connect you with top talent directly through their website.

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Proxify developers are a powerful extension of your team, consistently delivering expert solutions. With a proven track record across 500+ industries, our specialists integrate seamlessly into your projects, helping you fast-track your roadmap and drive lasting success.

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Hire Nuxt.js developers, fast

We know that finding the perfect Nuxt.js developer can be time-consuming and expensive. That's why we've created a solution that saves you time and money in the long run.

Our Nuxt.js developers are vetted and tested for their technical skills, English language proficiency, and culture fit aspects to ensure that we provide you with the perfect match for your engagement. With our hiring experts, you can easily discuss any issues, concerns, or onboarding processes and start your engagement quickly.

Our Nuxt.js developers are also skilled in a diverse range of additional frameworks and tools, meaning you find the right candidate for your business needs, committed to delivering outstanding results, always.

Boost your team

Proxify developers are a powerful extension of your team, consistently delivering expert solutions. With a proven track record across 500+ industries, our specialists integrate seamlessly into your projects, helping you fast-track your roadmap and drive lasting success.

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How to hire Nuxt developers: Interview questions, rates & more

Is Nuxt.js right for me?

Despite any benefits of Nuxt.js, it can be slightly difficult to define if it’s suitable for your work. Nuxt.js allows for Server Side Rendered apps creation where HTML quickly goes through a Node.js server. The outcome is an excellent SEO, for example.

Another perk is easy composure, defining meta tags for apps, and adding specified titles. Besides this, Nuxt.js is excellent for automated app routing. Nuxt.js, in this case, generates routing solely on the structure of a folder.

Nuxt.js is very easy to install, understand and use, and this framework simplifies the development process of a single page or universal Vue app.

  • How to integrate Nuxt.js into Laravel?

  • Typical uses of Nuxt.js?

  • Nuxt.js vs. Next.js

Stefanija Tenekedjieva Haans

Stefanija Tenekedjieva Haans

Content Lead

Journalist turned content writer. Always loved to write, and found the perfect job in content. A self-proclaimed film connoisseur, cook and nerd in disguise.

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We work exclusively with top-tier professionals.
Our writers and reviewers are carefully vetted industry experts from the Proxify network who ensure every piece of content is precise, relevant, and rooted in deep expertise.

Abdulrahman Hashem

Abdulrahman Hashem

Fullstack (FE-heavy)

6 years of experience

Expert in Angular

Abdulrahman is a detail-oriented Full-stack Developer with a knack for delivering elegant, user-friendly solutions effectively and efficiently crafted by five years of commercial experience in developing and designing complex platforms, internal frameworks, and web applications. He specializes in JavaScript and works with the frontend tech stack. Abdulrahman loves Angular and deep-dives into React & Vue.js with great experience in building back-end side APIs using Laravel, Spring Boot & MySQL databases.

Verified author

We work exclusively with top-tier professionals.
Our writers and reviewers are carefully vetted industry experts from the Proxify network who ensure every piece of content is precise, relevant, and rooted in deep expertise.

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    Executive Vice President at Education First

    Sange Lee

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