Our vetting process

Aug 23, 2024 · 2 min read

We don’t just add developers to our network – we carefully select them through a thorough vetting process that ensures you’re getting the very best. Here’s how it works:

  1. Application screening: When a candidate applies, they’re evaluated through our Applicant Tracking System (ATS). We consider factors like years of experience, tech stack, rates, location, and English proficiency. If they score high enough, they might be fast-tracked straight to the screening phase. If their tech stack is currently oversupplied, they may need to pass a Codility test before moving forward.

  2. Intro interview: Next, candidates meet with one of our recruiters for an intro interview. This is where we dig into their English proficiency, soft skills, technical abilities, motivation, rates, and availability. We also consider our supply-demand ratio for their specific skill set, adjusting our expectations based on how in-demand their skills are.

  3. Codility test: Depending on the demand for their particular stack, candidates might take the Codility test either before or after the screening interview. This test focuses on real-world coding challenges and bug fixing, with a time limit to assess how they perform under pressure. It’s designed to reflect the kind of work they’ll be doing with clients, ensuring they have the necessary expertise.

  4. Technical interview: Candidates who pass the initial stages move on to a technical interview. This interview includes live coding exercises where they’re presented with problems and need to find the best solutions on the spot. It’s a deep dive into their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and how they think through complex issues.

  5. Membership invite: If the candidate impresses in all the previous steps, they’re invited to join the Proxify network. Before this, we do a final review to ensure everything checks out. Occasionally, if there’s any uncertainty from the technical interview, our tech experts will conduct an additional review. Once approved, they receive a PandaDoc Agreement and an invitation to officially become part of Proxify.

This vetting process is tailored primarily for developers. Designers, Data experts, and DevOps specialists have slightly different paths – designers skip the coding tests, and some Data experts or DevOps candidates may not go through the same coding exercises.

By the time a candidate joins Proxify, you can trust they’ve been thoroughly vetted and are ready to contribute to your team from day one.