Hire skilled HealthTech talent

In today's era of technological advancements, every aspect of our lives is being revolutionized. One field that stands at the forefront of innovation is healthcare. Technology integration into healthcare, often called HealthTech, has tremendous potential to enhance patient care, improve efficiency, and save lives.

From telemedicine enabling remote consultations to wearable devices monitoring vital signs, the healthcare industry is harnessing technology in previously unimaginable ways. This wave of innovation in HealthTech transforms how healthcare is delivered and empowers individuals to take control of their health and well-being.

However, harnessing this potential requires the expertise of skilled HealthTech developers who can seamlessly bridge the gap between healthcare and technology.

Hiring top-notch developers is crucial for any healthcare organization looking to build innovative software and technology solutions. With the right talent, you can create products that truly move the needle on patient outcomes and experience.

But how do you identify and recruit the best of the best in a competitive market? It starts with identifying certain qualities.

Assessing a developer's skills and experience

When evaluating HealthTech Developers, you'll want to thoroughly assess their skills and experience to ensure they are qualified for the role. Here are a few ways you can do so. Look for relevant experience

Healthcare developers must have experience in working with healthcare data and systems. Look for candidates who have previously worked on HealthTech projects or have relevant experience in the healthcare industry. This could include experience in developing electronic medical record systems, medical imaging software, telemedicine platforms, or any other healthcare-related applications.

I spoke to Diego Morales, Director of Human Resources at Designli. co, who discussed how it is vital for the developer to understand the nature of the industry.

"They must understand the business – that's important for any industry, but the healthcare industry is especially unique. The financial and security workflows require a certain level of specific knowledge. This industry standard is fast, and several different policies are always at play."

The more experience a candidate has in the HealthTech field, the better equipped they will be to tackle the unique challenges of healthcare software development.

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Identifying essential skills and experience

When sourcing HealthTech developers, prioritize candidates with expertise in relevant coding languages and frameworks. Look for experience with languages such as:


Why? Python is widely used in HealthTech due to its simplicity and versatility. Look for candidates with experience in Python, as it is commonly used for data analysis, machine learning, and backend development in HealthTech applications.


Why? Java is a robust and widely adopted programming language that is often preferred for developing enterprise-level applications. HealthTech usually requires building scalable and secure systems, making Java a valuable skill to look for in candidates.


Why? JavaScript is the primary language to build dynamic and interactive frontend interfaces. Since HealthTech applications often have user interfaces, evaluating candidates with strong JavaScript skills is essential.


Why? C# is a versatile programming language primarily used in Microsoft technologies. It is widely used in HealthTech for developing Windows-based applications or integrations with Microsoft tools and frameworks.

In addition to these specific languages, consider the candidate's overall programming skills, experience with relevant frameworks (such as Django or Flask for Python, Spring for Java, or React for JavaScript), and ability to learn and adapt to new technologies.

Sudhir Khatwani, Director of The Money Mongers, says combining technical and soft skills is vital when hiring healthcare app developers. Here, he talks about what stands out for him.

"I look for a combination of strong technical skills in programming languages relevant to HealthTech and an understanding of healthcare protocols, data privacy, and security measures. Soft skills like problem-solving, adaptability, and the ability to collaborate on interdisciplinary teams are equally important."

Diego added that it's vital to assess their understanding of relevant processes and workflows besides skills tests around the capacity to create code.

"When recruiting for the HealthTech industry, we want to see that our developers understand the legal regulations that apply to their jobs. This is not a job for someone who will blindly complete tasks, but for someone who truly understands the organizational goals, processes, constraints, and user needs."

Seek out medical app developers who have worked on electronic health records (EHR) systems and telehealth platforms. Experience integrating wearable data and building clinical decision support tools is also valuable.

Security expertise

Patient data security must be a top priority for any HealthTech solution. HIPAA regulations and privacy concerns mean developers should have extensive experience building secure applications. However, it is vital to remember that the potential candidate must be aware (not proficient in) of their country or region's regulations. They should know encryption, access controls, activity logging, penetration testing, and other security best practices. Health organizations should also vet a developer's track record to prevent breaches.

Prioritize cultural fit and their passion for healthcare

HealthTech is a unique field that requires a deep understanding and passion for healthcare. Look for candidates who have a genuine interest in improving healthcare through technology. Assess their motivation, enthusiasm, and ability to align with your company's mission and values.

You may also consider incorporating behavioral interviews focusing on cultural fit and passion. Explore their previous experiences working in the healthcare industry and their understanding of the challenges and opportunities within healthcare. Look for candidates who demonstrate a commitment to innovation and a desire to impact the lives of patients and healthcare providers positively.

Evaluate problem-solving and analytical abilities

HealthTech developers often encounter intricate challenges and unique problems throughout the development process. Assessing a candidate's problem-solving and analytical abilities is crucial to ensure they can navigate these complexities effectively.

To test a candidate's problem-solving skills, Diego believes a developer who thinks out of the box thrives at their job.

"Healthcare is all about the user's needs. We need someone with a remarkable understanding of the human behind the screen. This helps us be aware of the many use cases we have to support instead of thinking about a one-size-fits-all solution."

Consider incorporating technical assessments or coding challenges that are specific to HealthTech engagements. These assessments can help gauge a candidate's ability to think critically, solve problems, and design efficient and scalable systems. Also, evaluate their ability to work with large and complex data sets, as this is often a requirement in HealthTech development.

Assess their communication and collaboration skills

Diego adds,

"Teamwork is vital. Because of the intricacies of this industry, we can't have developers working in a silo. They need to work with counterparts with deep expertise in healthcare, actuary, legal, finance, and other aspects of the job."

Successful HealthTech developers collaborate with healthcare professionals, product managers, and other stakeholders. Therefore, excellent communication and collaboration skills are imperative for effective teamwork.

Conducting effective interviews

Conduct structured interviews that thoroughly assess both technical expertise and soft skills:

  • Ask about specific HealthTech projects: Have candidates walk through an end-to-end HealthTech project they led or contributed to. Probe into details to gauge their exact role and knowledge.
  • Discuss healthcare-specific challenges: Talk about common HealthTech obstacles like balancing innovation with regulation, managing legacy systems, and securing patient data. Look for thoughtful responses.
  • Test their technical knowledge: Give a coding challenge relevant to your tech stack to assess skills firsthand. For senior roles, evaluate architectural decisions in past projects. For Sudhir, code tests are a great way to test whether the candidate is right for the job or not.

"I use practical coding tests that simulate real HealthTech scenarios along with team problem-solving exercises. These help assess both the technical competence and collaborative attitude of candidates.”

  • Assess communication abilities: Discuss a complex technical concept and evaluate if the candidate explains it clearly. Look for strong verbal skills.
  • Evaluate teamwork and leadership: Ask about examples of cross-functional collaboration. For senior applicants, look for leadership behaviors like mentoring, enabling success in others, and constructively resolving conflicts.
  • Understand motivations: Ask what aspects of HealthTech they find rewarding to gauge cultural fit and passion for your mission.
  • Sell them on your company: Share your healthcare mission and unique culture. Assess if they demonstrate genuine interest and fit. The right developers will be excited by your HealthTech impact.

Sudhir adds,

"My interview questions are designed to probe knowledge of health data standards, security protocols, and compliance requirements. I seek an up-to-date understanding of current standards and commitment to ongoing learning in these areas."

Benefits of Health technology

Healthcare technology has transformed how patients access, receive and benefit from healthcare services. Some of the critical improvements enabled by HealthTech include:

  • Improved access to healthcare - Telemedicine and mobile health apps allow patients to conveniently consult doctors, get diagnosed, and receive care remotely without visiting hospitals and clinics in person. This expands access to healthcare for people in rural areas, those with disabilities or limited mobility, and patients who previously faced barriers to getting quality care.
  • Lower costs - Digital health records, telehealth services, and AI-enabled automated diagnosis reduce administrative costs for providers. They also lower out-of-pocket patient expenses by avoiding unnecessary in-person appointments and duplicative testing. This makes healthcare more affordable.
  • Improved patient outcomes - Advanced population health data analytics enables earlier disease detection and allows providers to deliver more preventive care. Wearables and remote monitoring devices give doctors real-time insight into patients' health indicators. Robotics and AI are aiding surgeries. All these lead to better treatment and health outcomes.

The healthcare industry

The global HealthTech industry is booming and projected to reach $504 billion by 2025. And with exponential growth comes tremendous opportunity to improve patient outcomes through thoughtful and ethical application of technology.

With the rising adoption of digital health solutions, the healthcare industry is transitioning towards a more patient-centric and data-driven approach to care. However, challenges such as interoperability, data privacy, and the digital divide remain significant hurdles. Despite these challenges, the healthcare industry's embrace of technology continues to accelerate, promising a future where personalized, accessible, and efficient healthcare is within reach for all.

Challenges in HealthTech development

The healthcare industry presents unique challenges for technology developers. Here are some of the major obstacles faced when building healthcare solutions:

  • Healthcare data complexity - Patient health data comes in many forms from many sources. It can be challenging to aggregate and structure this data in a useful way. Developers must find ways to work with complex medical terminology, standards, and formats.
  • Strict regulations - Healthcare software and devices must comply with regulations like HIPAA for data privacy and FDA requirements for medical devices or whichever regulations committee is applicable in your country. The lengthy approval processes can slow development. Developers have to integrate compliance into products from the start.
  • Long sales cycles - The sales cycles in healthcare can stretch for months or years. Health systems move slowly on purchasing decisions, and value demonstration takes time. Developers must account for long deployment timelines.

To tackle these challenges, we need to make handling data easier, follow the rules during development, and be patient during long sales processes. Healthcare's rules can be frustrating for developers, but simplifying things helps create powerful technology in the end.

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